In the distance of 8 km from the city of Bādrod and 38 km northeast of Natanz in the desert, the monastery and the two great saints of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and the Imam Zadeh Muhammad (PBUH) from the children of Imam Musa Kazem (as), and the brothers of the Prophet Samen (as), Ali ibn Musa al-Reza (PBUH) and the Prophet (PBUH), a desert which was no longer vital in the past, and with the blessing of these two magnates, the place of the lovers to Ahlul-Bayt Ismat And has been purified and annually a large number of pilgrims from around and around the country and from all over the Islamic Republic of Iran to pilgrimage They will be overlooked.
These two great Imam Zadeh, the high priest of the Imam (pbuh), buried in Shiraz, are considered by many of the Shiites and lovers of the household of infallibility and wisdom (PBUH) to meet their great brother, Imam Reza (peace be upon him) They arrived in Iran in such a way that in some old books these two emamzadehs were seen together with another group of Sadat and Mu'aliyans near Kashan; incidentally, Abdul Jabbar Tabaresi, who was one of the friends of the household of Imam (PBUH), has been counted as infallibility and purity (PBUH). As soon as he knows about his arrival, he has come to their service and has He took his sister's death and accepted them for seventeen nights and stated that it was not in your best interests to go to Tusus because Abbasi calamity is not credible in his words; his words and deeds are based on his royal politics. Stay in the moment to get the correct news.
In the meantime, they stayed in the vicinity of Kashan and Fin; then they moved to the village of Yazdalan and from there to their village, Badarud, today. The rulers of these districts also had a great service for the presence of these two Imams, the princes stopped for a few days in these areas, and a large crowd joined them.
On the Wednesday of the seventh day, Rabi'Ala'ul came to the year two hundred and three AHs of the martyrdom of Hazrat Ali bin Musa al-Reza (PBUH). From these newsmakers, he threw his turtlenecks and choked his knuckles and raised their mourning. The people conquered the worshipers of the Imam Mahdi, waited for forty days; then they took them to the bathroom and took out the mourning out of them; after a few stops in their fortress they intended to return to their homeland.
The hypocrites told Ma'moon that the brothers of Imam Reza (PBUH) had the will to leave, and a large number of them had alluded to come to Tous and take revenge on their brother's blood. Ma'mun was horrified to hear such a news story and ordered that they take a lashkari to them; wherever they would kill Sadat Alawi, especially the children of Hazrat Musa ibn Ja'far (PBUH).
As quoted on the fourteenth day of the month, Jameedy al-Awlī was two hundred and thirty-three AHs when the Imams were moving from their villages, where the army of the cowardly Ma'mone had fallen viciously and encircled them. Several nights of the day they surrounded the great men and banned the water and bread from them and their companions; the tufts of the boom ran out of front against them and their companions; the clutches of the oppressors rose; the companions reached a joyful admission to the degree of martyrdom.
As it was quoted, the mosque of these two Imams had been on the ridge several days in that desert, and nobody dared to bury them; then Khaled Abad's women buried those tentacles. The men who fought this way fought and helped them, and they brought the two great magnates to the ground in a tomb that is now their luxurious palace.